I'm sorry to read about the desease that affects you, Sylvia, and I do hope that you will complete overcoming it. If our company can be of help to you, we'll do our very best.
aligot ripounsous
JoinedPosts by aligot ripounsous
I'm Happy to be Back
by snowbird ini've been in the vale of deep shadows, but am feeling more and more like myself.. i'm grateful to my doctors and modern medicine.. sylvia.
I was in the hospital
by MsDucky infor cellulitis/mastitis of the breast.
when i got sick, i didn't know why or what for.
i had chills and a fever.
aligot ripounsous
Sorry to hear this, my sincere condolences to MsDucky's family.
Sexual molestation of children covered up by Jewish Hasidic community in NY
by aligot ripounsous in.
rings the bell ?.
aligot ripounsous
I suppose that you will find some mentally disturbed people in these confined communities like, maybe, with the Amish and the Mormons, although some of the latter ones seem to fare pretty well, to say nothing about the Jews...
Sexual molestation of children covered up by Jewish Hasidic community in NY
by aligot ripounsous in.
rings the bell ?.
aligot ripounsous
Thanks, Atlantis, I understand I just have to click on the hypertext rather than on the URL.
Sexual molestation of children covered up by Jewish Hasidic community in NY
by aligot ripounsous in.
rings the bell ?.
Sexual molestation of children covered up by Jewish Hasidic community in NY
by aligot ripounsous in.
rings the bell ?.
Alteration in the German Watchtower about spousal physical abuse
by slimboyfat ini noticed that the german edition of the study watchtower for today didn't include the phrase about the husband "hitting" the sister.
instead it just says that he became ferociously angry, which need not imply physical abuse.
i wonder if the german translator altered it off his own back or was instructed, and how other language editions compare.
aligot ripounsous
French Steve hit (a frappé) Selma
France : protest against the JWs in Lucciana this saturday
by yalbmert99 inhttp://www.corsematin.com/article/derniere-minute/lucciana-manifestation-ce-samedi-contre-les-temoins-de-jehovah.642443.html.
people from lucciana in france, corsica island will protest against the building of a kingdom hall.
the watchtower won in court and can build one.
aligot ripounsous
I bet it will be blown out before the building is completed
My Daughter Needs Your Vote!
by Emma inshe needs your help winning the challenge detroit contest, please watch her video and vote for her entry:.
aligot ripounsous
I voted for Sarah GRIEB, Emma, if a foreigner's vote can help and make sense...
Happy 12th birthday to JWD / JWN (us !)
by Simon inomg, today is the forum's 12th birthday !.
omg x 2 - i said the word 'birthday' and no-one was beheaded !
aligot ripounsous
AlligotThanks sweetie
You're most welcome, Grace, I don't post often but it's always a real pleasure to see that you're here "active, faithful and doing the good work"
I mean helping new JWNer to gain freedom, please excuse the old parlance. Hope that you are well and happy where you are. Take care Grace.